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Naradana Consulting is the short form of Naradana Management and System Consulting and represents the consulting activities of Andreas Stankewitz.
Andreas Stankewitz has 20+ years professional experience in software development and 15+ years in different management positions - from team lead to department management, and is running and managing his consulting business since 1999. Please check the customer list.
His huge experience made with many different customers in changing constellations is the foundation to come with a method and with a software development framework that make a difference. Please read about Holistic Programming and the Naradana Plattform (click the links).
If you are instested in taking direct advantage of Andreas Stankewitz deep management background and having him as your interms manager - please check-out his CV:
CV Andreas Stankewitz 11/2008 (German, PDF, please ask for other formats or languages)
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